Some of my blog and general articles:

5 brilliant (free) online tools I use
It would be impossible to work these days without various online services. Everyone knows about Google Drive and Dropbox and so on, but these are some other sites I use weekly if not daily. I work with a lot of ...

We shall eat and drink again!
There’s a marvellous book, published during the Second World War, by the editors of a food and wine magazine, titled “We Shall Eat And Drink Again”. While Britain struggled through dark years of increasing privation and rationing, food lovers dreamt ...

5 videoconferencing tips from a TV pro
Do you feel shy about videoconferencing? Are you worried you won’t come across as your best? Amid the COVID pandemic, videoconferencing is soaring in popularity. With people forced to work remotely and cancel face-to-face meetings, virtual meetings are becoming the ...

The dilemma of digital clutter
Where is the konmari for cloud? Gigabytes of free storage have turned many of us into digital hoarders. We never need to delete photos or email because Google or Apple or DropBox offer us huge virtual repositories for our data ...

How to be charismatic on screen
There are some fascinating videos on YouTube that look at how celebrities perform in interviews: how "charismatic" they are. The analysis is very relevant to businesspeople being interviewed by media. In 5 Common Habits That Make People Instantly Dislike You, ...

5 lesser-known future predictions
Sick of hearing yet another futurist spout the same spiel about Big Data, IoT, AI, automation and self-driving cars? Here are five different future predictions that may have slipped under your radar. 1. Surfaces will become computational Advances in display ...

5 tips for writing audiobooks
Audiobooks have been described as a "rising star" of the publishing industry. They’re seeing vast growth year-on-year, as people use mobiles and eBook readers to access them. There are many ways to create an audiobook. Text-to-speech technology converts eBooks to ...

3 reasons to self-publish your book
Have you got a brilliant idea for a book? One of the best, quickest and easiest ways to publish these days is to DIY it. Self-publishing is nothing new - authors including Jane Austen, Martin Luther, Marcel Proust and Virginia ...

Why are we still putting up with DRM in 2018?
Back in 2007 I wrote about how DRM - digital rights management - was nothing but a pirate's dream: "Digital rights management is great news for video pirates, online and offline. Nothing is more likely to drive people to Bittorrent ...

Turning train pain to gain
Regardless of whether Sydney train drivers end up striking on Monday or not, it's a great opportunity for companies to finally bite the bullet and trial teleworking. Many Australian firms are still dragging their feet when it comes to allowing ...